
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2023 )

( 2022 )


匹配条件: “Roberta Fulci” ,找到相关结果约3957条。
A New Proof of the Existence of Free Lie Algebras and an Application
Andrea Bonfiglioli,Roberta Fulci
ISRN Geometry , 2011, DOI: 10.5402/2011/126358
A New Proof of the Existence of Free Lie Algebras and an Application
Andrea Bonfiglioli,Roberta Fulci
ISRN Algebra , 2011, DOI: 10.5402/2011/247403
Refined Gelfand models for wreath products
Fabrizio Caselli,Roberta Fulci
Mathematics , 2010,
Abstract: In [F. Caselli, Involutory reflection groups and their models, J. Algebra 24 (2010), 370--393] it is constructed a uniform Gelfand model for all non-exceptional irreducible complex reflection groups which are involutory. This model can be naturally decomposed into the direct sum of submodules indexed by symmetric conjugacy classes, and in this paper we present a simple combinatorial description of the irreducible decomposition of these submodules if the group is the wreath product of a cyclic group with a symmetric group. This is attained by showing that such decomposition is compatible with the generalized Robinson-Schensted correspondence for these groups.
Gelfand models and Robinson-Schensted correspondence
Fabrizio Caselli,Roberta Fulci
Mathematics , 2011,
Abstract: In [F. Caselli, Involutory reflection groups and their models, J. Algebra 24 (2010), 370--393] there is constructed a uniform Gelfand model for all non-exceptional irreducible complex reflection groups which are involutory. Such model can be naturally decomposed into the direct sum of submodules indexed by $S_n$-conjugacy classes, and we present here a general result that relates the irreducible decomposition of these submodules with the projective Robinson-Schensted correspondence. This description also reflects in a very explicit way the existence of split representations for these groups.
The Expression of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 Is Negatively Modulated by MicroRNA 525-5p
Elisa Cocco,Fabiana Paladini,Giuseppe Macino,Valerio Fulci,Maria Teresa Fiorillo,Rosa Sorrentino
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012067
Abstract: The human Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) is a neurokine with effects on the immune system where it is involved in promoting tolerance. In this context, one of its receptors, VPAC1, has been found to be down-modulated in cells of the immune network in response to activating stimuli. In particular, the bacterial liposaccaride (LPS), a strong activator of the innate immune system, induces a rapid decrease of VPAC1 expression in monocytes and this event correlates with polymorphisms in the 3′-UTR of the gene.
Group Dynamics in On-Line and Face-to-Face Interactions: An Experimental Study on Learning Methods  [PDF]
Sergio Severino, Roberta Messina
Sociology Mind (SM) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/sm.2011.12008
Abstract: Organizing in groups does not represent an objective definition, but rather a way to better understand the mean-ing of plurality. At the same time modern technologies modify perceptive and cognitive transformation. This re-search shows that on-line groups develop objective dynamics in face-to-face groups; it evaluates the quality of the University student services and studies the dynamics of the creation of face-to-face and on-line groups. Stu-dents were divided into experimental on-line (forum, chat, newsgroup) and face-to-face encounters (seminars, laboratories). The two level analyses show the defence mechanisms, the lack of socialization attitudes and the tolerance of differences that characterized on-line groups. The new technologies open new horizons and cogni-tive functions.
The In Vivo Therapeutic Efficacy of the Oncolytic Adenovirus Delta24-RGD Is Mediated by Tumor-Specific Immunity
Anne Kleijn, Jenneke Kloezeman, Elike Treffers-Westerlaken, Giulia Fulci, Sieger Leenstra, Clemens Dirven, Reno Debets, Martine Lamfers
PLOS ONE , 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097495
Abstract: The oncolytic adenovirus Delta24-RGD represents a new promising therapeutic agent for patients with a malignant glioma and is currently under investigation in clinical phase I/II trials. Earlier preclinical studies showed that Delta24-RGD is able to effectively lyse tumor cells, yielding promising results in various immune-deficient glioma models. However, the role of the immune response in oncolytic adenovirus therapy for glioma has never been explored. To this end, we assessed Delta24-RGD treatment in an immune-competent orthotopic mouse model for glioma and evaluated immune responses against tumor and virus. Delta24-RGD treatment led to long-term survival in 50% of mice and this effect was completely lost upon administration of the immunosuppressive agent dexamethasone. Delta24-RGD enhanced intra-tumoral infiltration of F4/80+ macrophages, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells, and increased the local production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In treated mice, T cell responses were directed to the virus as well as to the tumor cells, which was reflected in the presence of protective immunological memory in mice that underwent tumor rechallenge. Together, these data provide evidence that the immune system plays a vital role in the therapeutic efficacy of oncolytic adenovirus therapy of glioma, and may provide angles to future improvements on Delta24-RGD therapy.
Hemispheric Asymmetry for Language Processing and Lateral Preference in Simultaneous Interpreters  [PDF]
Alice Mado Proverbio, Roberta Adorni
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.21002
Abstract: Neuroimaging studies showed that linguistic functions are less lateralized in polyglots than in monolinguals. However, there is not much agreement about the role of the two hemispheres in semantic and syntactic processing in bilinguals. In this study, 35 right-handed Italian speakers were shown 520 words and pseudo-words. The task consisted in detecting a given target letter by pressing a button with either the left or right hand. 19 simultaneous interpreters and 16 monolingual University students participated in the study. Interpreters performed the task in their native (L1) and second language (L2 = English); monolingual students only in L1. Response times to targets were recorded as a function of the hand used. RTs were faster to words than pseudo-words (word superiority effect). Results showed a significant right hand/LH advantage for the student group, and a complete lack of asymmetry for the interpreters both in L1 and L2. These data indicate a left-lateralization of linguistic functions in monolinguals and reduced lateralization in polyglots. The lack of lateralization in interpreters can be attributed either to their polyglottism, or to their prolonged practice of simultaneous interpreting strategies (e.g., dealing with two input channels; right ear/LH for listening to themselves interpret and left ear/RH for listening to the source language).
Effect of extracts from araticum (Annona crassiflora) on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats
Roesler, Roberta;
Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-20612011000100012
Abstract: the influence of ethanolic extracts of annona crassiflora on the activities of hepatic antioxidant enzymes was examined. extracts of a. crassiflora seeds and peel were administered orally (50 mg of galic acid equivalents.kg-1) to wistar rats for 14 consecutive days followed by a single oral dose of carbon tetrachloride (ccl4, 2 g.kg-1). lipid peroxidation and the activities of hepatic catalase (cat), cytochromes p450 (cp450) and b5, glutathione peroxidase (gpx), glutathione reductase (gred), superoxide dismutase (sod), and the content of glutathione equivalents (gsh) were evaluated. the treatment with ccl4 increased lipid peroxidation, the level of gsh equivalents and the content of cytochrome b5 by 44, 140 and 32%, respectively, with concomitant reductions of 23, 34 and 39% in the activities of cat, sod, and cp450, respectively. the treatment with a. crassiflora seeds and peel extracts alone inhibited lipid peroxidation by 27 and 22%, respectively without affecting the cp450 content. the pretreatment with the a. crassiflora extracts prevented the lipid peroxidation, the increase in gsh equivalents and the decrease in cat activity caused by ccl4, but it had no effect on the ccl4-mediated changes in cp450 and b5 and sod. these results show that a. crassiflora seeds and peel contain antioxidant activity in vivo that could be of potential therapeutic use.
Que é artifica??o?
Shapiro, Roberta;
Sociedade e Estado , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-69922007000100006
Abstract: there is both a steady increase in the production of art in society and in research on art and culture within the social sciences. therefore it seems appropriate to propose artification as a new field for the sociology of art and social and cultural change. artification is the transformation of non-art into art. this consists of a complex social process of transfiguration of people, things and practices. artification not only has to do with symbolic change, shifting hierarchies and legitimacy. it also implies very concrete modifications in people's physical traits and manners, in ways of cooperating and organizing, in the goods and artifacts that are used, etc. these processes redefine borders between art and non-art, and reconstruct new social worlds. in this article, we refer to examplesof artification in the realms of hip-hop, phonography, etching, industrial labor, and primitive art.

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